- Ekim 25, 2019


It can be acute or chronic, and it can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergies, or even an autoimmune reaction.
Although uncomfortable and painful, sinusitis often goes away without medical intervention. However, if symptoms last more than 7 to 10 days, or if there is a fever or a bad headache, you should see your doctor. 

Symptoms vary, depending on the length and severity of the infection.
If the patient has two or more of the following symptoms and thick, green or yellow nasal discharge, they may be diagnosed with acute sinusitis.
-facial pain and pressure,
-blocked nose,
-nasal discharge,
-reduced sense of smell,
-halitosis, or foul-smelling breath,
If these symptoms continue for 12 weeks or longer, the doctor may diagnose chronic sinusitis.

Sinusitis can stem from various factors, but it always results from fluid becoming trapped in the sinuses. This fuels the growth of germs.
Viruses: In adults, 90 percent cases of sinusitis result from a virus
Bacteria: In adults, 1 case in 10 is caused by bacteria
Pollutants: Chemicals or irritants in the air can trigger a buildup of mucus
Fungi: The sinuses either react to fungi in the air, as in allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS), or they are invaded by fungi, as in chronic indolent sinusitis.



1- St. John's Wort Tea And Oil: Consult your doctor first, if you will use St. John's wort. If you have a serious condition, it is best to consult with a doctor for help. Some conditions might be warning signs of other illnesses that only a medical professional can accurately diagnose.

This treatment is for people older than 18 years. St.John's Wort is a good anti-inflammatory. 

Never use a medical and herbal medicines during treatment.

St. John's Wort Tea:
-A Cup Water: 100ºC / 212ºF (boiling)
-Quantity: 2tsp of dried herb/cup (250ml)

-Put the kettle on with water for your tea and bring it to a boil.
-Place 2 teaspoons per cup of tea inside your teapot and pour the boiling water over the herbs.
-Let your tea steep for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain and on an empty stomach drink. (2 cups per day, morning and evening for 2 weeks.)

The typical flavor of St John's Wort tea is cooling and bittersweet, so you may need something sweet to balance the bitterness. Try it unsweetened first, and then add honey to taste.

St. John's Wort Oil: 

If possible, use homemade St John's Wort oil. For your treatment, 140 mL of  St. John's wort oil will suffice.

-Drink a dessert spoon of St. John's wort oil, on an empty stomach two times daily.
-Do not eat anything for the next 60 minutes.
-Be patient and drink this oil everyday for 2 weeks.

2- Bay Leaf (Daphne) Tea: Bay leaf tea can help open up your nasal passages and make sleeping more comfortable. This may allow you to get better quality sleep. Bay leaf tea is my favorite tea because of this feature. You can drink this tea 1 hour before bedtime and you can apply this cure simultaneously with other cures.

About 1 after drinking this tea, the post-nasal drip and nasal discharge stops and your nasal passages are opened.

-1 Cup of water
-1 teapot
-3 or 4 bay leaves (daphne)

-Pour 2 cup of water into the teapot and boil the water.
-Place 3 or 4 bay leaves.
-Let your tea steep for 8-10 minutes. Then strain and drink. If you want you can add honey. (2 cups per day, morning and evening)

3- Nasal Irrigation: Nasal irrigation is very effective for relieving nasal congestion and irritation. This will soothe your sinuses and flush away bacteria, irritants, allergens. Also Nasal irrigation can help to moisten the mucous membranes.

-1 squirt bottle
-1 cup of sterilized water
-3 tsp of non-iodized salt
-1 tsp of baking soda

This is a recipe of The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI):
Sterilize water, by boiling tap water for three to five minutes, then cooling it until it is lukewarm.

Mix 3 teaspoons of non-iodized salt (iodide may irritate your nasal lining) and 1 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 cup of sterilized water.

There are several ways to get the water into the passages behind your nose. You can use a squirt bottle, a pump designed for this purpose, or a vessel with a long spout called a neti pot.

You simply fill the device with the solution, then lean over your sink (or, even easier, do it standing in the shower). Tilt your head sideways with your forehead and chin roughly level. Breathing through your mouth, place the container into your upper nostril and allow the water to drain out naturally.

 Do not take St. John’s Wort
-If you are under 18 years.
-If you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
-If your skin is very sensitive to sunlight.
-If you are about to have an operation.
-If you have high blood pressure, absolutely do not use the St. John's wort. First treat your high blood pressure.  (Click for treatment of your high blood pressure)
-Those who will apply this prescription absolutely should not use doctor prescription or  herbal medicines.Do not take St. John's wort with any drugs. Because St. John’s Wort can reduce the effect of the drugs.
-Talk to your pharmacist or doctor before you buy this medicine to make sure it is suitable for you.
-They should stay away from smoking and alcohol during the treatment.
-Those who will use this prescription should have left antibiotics 3 days ago and cortisone medications 1 month ago.
-If you take St. John's wort in conjunction with other anti-depressants, your serotonin (i.e. brain chemical that anti-depressants target) levels may rise to an unsafe level. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include tremor, diarrhea, muscle stiffness, decrease in body temperature, death, and extreme confusion.

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