- Ekim 25, 2019

A urinary tract infection (UTI) in children is a fairly common condition. Bacteria that enter the urethra are usually flushed out through urination. However, when bacteria aren’t expelled out of the urethra, they may grow within the urinary tract. This causes an infection.

The urinary tract consists of the parts of the body that are involved in urine production. They are:
-two kidneys that filter your blood and extra water to produce urine
-two ureters, or tubes, that take urine to your bladder from your kidneys
-a bladder that stores your urine until it’s removed from your body 
-a urethra, or tube, that empties urine from your bladder to outside your body

Your child can develop a UTI when bacteria enter the urinary tract and travel up the urethra and into the body. The two types of UTIs most likely to affect children are bladder infections and kidney infections.

When a UTI affects the bladder, it’s called cystitis. When the infection travels from the bladder to the kidneys, it’s called pyelonephritis. Both can be successfully treated with antibiotics, but a kidney infection can lead to more serious health complications if left untreated.

Causes of UTI in children
UTIs are most commonly caused by bacteria, which may enter the urinary tract from the skin around the anus or vagina. The most common cause of UTIs is E. coli, which originates in the intestines. Most UTIs are caused when this type of bacteria or other bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra

Risk factors for UTI in children
UTIs occur more often in girls, especially when toilet training begins. Girls are more susceptible because their urethras are shorter and closer to the anus. This makes it easier for bacteria to enter the urethra. Uncircumcised boys under 1 year old also have a slightly higher risk of UTIs.

The urethra doesn’t normally harbor bacteria. But certain circumstances can make it easier for bacteria to enter or remain in your child’s urinary tract. The following factors can put your child at a higher risk for a UTI:
-a structural deformity or blockage in one of the organs of the urinary tract
-abnormal function of the urinary tract
-vesicoureteral reflux, a birth defect that results in the abnormal backward flow of urine
-the use of bubbles in baths (for girls)
-tight-fitting clothes (for girls)
-wiping from back to front after a bowel movement
-poor toilet and hygiene habits
- infrequent urination or delaying urination for long periods of time

Symptoms of UTI in children
Symptoms of a UTI can vary depending on the degree of infection and your child’s age. Infants and very young children may not experience any symptoms. When they do occur in younger children, symptoms can be very general. They may include:
-poor appetite
-overall feeling of illness

Additional symptoms vary depending on the part of the urinary tract that’s infected. If your child has a bladder infection, symptoms may include:
-blood in the urine
-cloudy urine
-foul-smelling urine
-pain, stinging, or burning with urination
-pressure or pain in the lower pelvis or lower back, below the navel
-frequent urination
-waking from sleep to urinate
-feeling the need to urinate with minimal urine output
-urine accidents after the age of toilet training

If the infection has traveled to the kidneys, the condition is more serious. Your child may experience more intense symptoms, such as:
-chills with shaking
-high fever
-skin that’s flushed or warm
-nausea and vomiting
-side or back pain
-severe abdominal pain
-severe fatigue

The initial signs of a UTI in children can be easily overlooked. Younger children may have a difficult time describing the source of their distress. If your child looks sick and has a high fever without a runny nose, earache, or other obvious reasons for illness, consult their doctor to determine if your child has a UTI.

Complications of UTI in children
Prompt diagnosis and treatment of a UTI in your child can prevent serious, long-term medical complications. Untreated, a UTI can result in a kidney infection that may lead to more serious conditions, such as:
-kidney abscess
-reduced kidney function or kidney failure
-hydronephrosis, or swelling of the kidneys
-sepsis, which can lead to organ failure and death

Treatment Of Urinary Tract Infections In Children At Home

Consult your doctor first, if you will use St. John's wort. If you have a serious throat inflammation condition, it is best to consult with a doctor for help. Some conditions might be warning signs of other illnesses that only a medical professional can accurately diagnose.

For your treatment, 70 mL of  St. John's wort oil will suffice.
1-Drink half a teaspoon of St. John's wort oil, on an empty stomach two times daily.

2-Do not eat anything for the next 60 minutes.

3-Be patient and drink this oil everyday for 2 weeks.

Do not take St. John’s Wort

-If you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

-If your skin is very sensitive to sunlight.

-If you are about to have an operation.

-If you have high blood pressure, absolutely do not use the St. John's wort. First treat your high blood pressure.  (Click for treatment of your high blood pressure)

-Those who will apply this prescription absolutely should not use doctor prescription or  herbal medicines.Do not take St. John's wort with any drugs. Because St. John’s Wort can reduce the effect of the drugs.

-Talk to your pharmacist or doctor before you buy this medicine to make sure it is suitable for you.

-They should stay away from smoking and alcohol during the treatment.

-Those who will use this prescription should have left antibiotics 3 days ago and cortisone medications 1 month ago.

-If you take St. John's wort in conjunction with other anti-depressants, your serotonin (i.e. brain chemical that anti-depressants target) levels may rise to an unsafe level. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include tremor, diarrhea, muscle stiffness, decrease in body temperature, death, and extreme confusion.

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